The PACE MedSpanish program is designed to provide benefit to any person interested

in learning Spanish for use in a medical context in any part of the world.

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Spanish language is the central component of the MedSpanish program. For healthcare providers working in the United States and other countries with growing Latino communities, the ability to communicate effectively with Spanish-speaking patients is becoming increasingly critical to the provision of effective health care.


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Working with a tutor and studying the language provides students with the knowledge of vocabulary and verb tenses relevant to the clinical setting and beyond. When students observe and participate in patient-provider interactions, the study of the language and culture meshes into tangible comprehension.

This unique two-pronged approach provides students with the opportunity to gain knowledge that will enhance their own practice upon returning home. Through both observation and participation in patient-provider interactions and intense, personalized tutoring, students rapidly improve their ability to communicate with patients.