PACE MD’s MED-Spanish immersion programs in San Miguel de Allende provide theoretical and practical language training in medical Spanish for NURSING & MEDICAL STUDENTS of all years, MID-LEVELS in all ranks & HEALTH PROFESSIONALS of every Specialty. Whether you are a practicing physician with 20 years of experience or an aspiring nursing/medical student, PACE MD’s MEDSpanish programs bring you to the forefront of global health. Through individualized language instruction and hands-on clinical experiences you will develop and increase your medical Spanish ability and cultural literacy alongside mentors and colleagues with diverse backgrounds in an international setting.
Arrival and orientation
Nearest arrival airport: Bajío International Airport (airport code BJX)
Arrival date: Professionals, residents and fourth-year medical students (MS4) should arrive on Friday or Saturday to relax and allow for a 2 hour orientation meeting. First/second-year medical students (MS1/2) and pre-professionals should arrive on the date indicated in the program overview for their specific program.
Airport transfer: Transportation from the Bajío International Airport (airport code BJX) is the participant’s responsibility. We recommend Bajío Go, which specializes in airport shuttle service to/from San Miguel de Allende.
Spanish instruction: Language training begins the Monday after arrival and continues Monday through Friday for the duration of the program. Classes may be held in the mornings or afternoons DEPENDING ALWAYS on the scheduling of the clinical experiences.
Holidays: Professionals, residents and fourth-year medical students (MS4) are encouraged to consider Mexican national holidays when registering for a program. During holidays such as Easter (Semana Santa) and Christmas, program activities may be limited/closed.
Departure date: Participants should arrange their return flight no earlier than the Saturday after their final Spanish class. We encourage you to book an afternoon departure from the Bajío International Airport to facilitate airport transfer from San Miguel de Allende. Return travel to the airport may take up to two hours depending on traffic. Morning departure may require leaving San Miguel de Allende as early as 2:00 or 3:00 AM.
Health insurance
Participants are responsible for acquiring adequate Medical Insurance coverage for Mexico prior to arrival. Some insurance providers offer coverage in Mexico while others require the purchase of a supplemental plan and/or evacuation insurance. PACE MD’s MED-Spanish staff may be able to assist with basic health care issues and can provide “quality control” for medical encounters when needed, but participants are ultimately responsible for their care and all medical-related expenses.
Continuing Medical Education (CME) / Continuing Education Unit (CEU) valid only until June 2025.
One week: $1,400 USD
One-on-one additional instruction: Consider adding $200 USD
Additional week: $500 USD
Graduate Medical Education (GME) / Postgraduate Year Elective Rotation
Four week: $2,750 USD
One-on-one additional instruction: Add $200 USD
Fourth-Year Medical Student (MS4) Elective Rotation
Four week: $2,750 USD
One-on-one additional instruction: please add $200 USD
First/Second-Year Medical Student (MS1/2) Summer Elective
Four week: $2,750 USD
Pre-Professional Summer Elective
Four week: $2,750 USD
*important note on pricing:
PACE MD’s MED-Spanish makes all reasonable efforts to deliver the programs of study, clinical opportunities and related services in the way described on this website. The program fees listed are in effect for the first semester of 2025. Fees and tuitions may be changed at any time without further notice. We reserve the right to change our services' prices at any time without further notice due to the peso-dollar exchange rate, inflation and/or indirect costs from our providers.
PACE’s MED-Spanish On-line experience /On-site immersion program strongly recommends every nursing and medical student, mid-level staff and/or medical professionals (regardless of specialization) to check with your corresponding authority; boards, university deans, associations, area directors and/or coordinators to authorize this experience before actually committing to the trip to avoid any inconveniences during the CME acceptance and due process misunderstandings. For further details please read our LEGAL DISCLAIMER & WAIVERS section.