At the conclusion of PACE MD’s MED-Spanish immersion program, students will be able to:         

  • Demonstrate the conversational Spanish skills necessary to develop the therapeutic relationship by introducing him/herself to the patient, confirming the patient’s identity and chief complaint.

  • Carry out a history of present illness (HPI) in Spanish with appropriate follow-up questions.

  • Conduct relevant review of systems (ROS) in Spanish.

  • Manage relevant Past Medical History, Social and Family in Spanish.

  • Elicit the patient’s medication list and allergy history in Spanish.

  • From measured baseline, pre-program levels, show improvement in the understanding of the historical information provided by the patient in Spanish.

  • Provide appropriate Spanish responses to the patient’s questions in the course of the patient encounter.

  • Describe a plan of care to the patient in Spanish.

  • Better motivate patient compliance by providing culturally- and linguistically-sensitive arrangements for treatment options, informational resources, and follow-up care.

  • Better understand the folk medicine and cultural issues impacting the care of the patient (Mexico referenced).

  • Recognize when help is needed and seek help from a professional interpreter or other appropriate language resources and to be able to effectively monitor the use of language resources.

  • Demonstrate skill improvement in MED-Spanish Pre-Test and Post-Test.

  • Identify areas for improvement in his/her medical Spanish skill set.

  • Develop an appreciation/understanding of International Medicine and Global Health.

  • Have a study plan for future advancement in language and cultural skills.

NB.  This is skills-based training. Whereas everybody’s Spanish significantly improves, the final success will be determined by; Previous Experience with Language, DAILY INVESTED TIME, Motivation level and Talent!